Quantun seeks the best technologies and tools that can bring our customers the best solutions for treating solid and liquid waste in the most effective and economical way. We have the best solutions available in the national and international market, valuing efficient processes, using only the necessary energy.

We are engineers, planners, consultants and construction managers driven by a common purpose of providing a positive environmental, social and economic differential for companies, governments and communities in Brazil, building legacies for future generations.

Our clients in the public and private sectors count on us to face the most complex challenges through pioneering and innovative solutions. We observe outdated projects in Brazil without the use of updated and adequate technologies, when compared to those used in regions in Europe, North America, as well as in Asia.

Among several available solutions, we highlight the use of high efficiency composting plants for the treatment of solid waste. We currently face a major challenge with Brazil being the 4th largest waste producing country in the world. Of all the waste produced, 27% does not receive adequate treatment, being dumped on slopes, dumps, rivers and / or streams.

Based on this scenario and the technical knowledge of our team, we defined the most appropriate solutions for the treatment of solid waste using composting plants.

Be part of a more sustainable future, be Quantun.


We are Quantun, a company specialized in Maintenance engineering that brings to the Brazilian market a modern concept of Facilities Engineering through multidisciplinary teams with aggregated technology and engineering.

Our multidisciplinary teams are formed by qualified professionals with extensive experience, varied realities, specific professional trajectories and different technical knowledge.

We associate technologies to our professionals, both in modern equipment and tools and in an online management system. Thus, the activities are carried out in a short time and with greater precision, also allowing easy and real-time access to a rich collection of technical information in an understandable and easy way to the management of your enterprise.

The result of all this is the significant increase in the productivity of the teams and the consequent reduction in operating costs, usually above 20%, in addition to more precise control of information. This translates into greater efficiency for your enterprise.

Below we present some of the technologies we use to conduct our services:

Air conditioners can store and transport mold, fungi, viruses and bacteria, which can cause serious health risks to people in air-conditioned environments, in addition to causing accumulation of dirt in the coils, reducing flow and conditioner performance.

The use of Ultraviolet-C Germicidal light helps to eliminate around 99% of molds, fungi, viruses and bacteria, reducing up to 90% the accumulation of dirt in the heat exchangers, almost eliminating the need for periodic cleaning of the streamers.

In order to obtain a complete picture of ​​the increase in productivity, each air conditioning coil cleaning would consume, at least, 4 hours of work by a qualified team if we adopted the current model practiced in the market

It involves the installation of a control system through a high-capillarity wireless sensing network. This allows your air conditioning system to operate in a fully automated way and, in real time, to control the following parameters:

  • Temperature
  • Relative Air Humidity
  • Absolute pressure
  • CO2
  • Particulate Material
  • Brightness

This control system provides greater comfort and increased productivity to the occupants of the air-conditioned environment, since its air quality will always be within the predetermined parameters.

We take care of the infrastructure of your high and low voltage electrical installation, involving substations, generator sets, lighting, measurement and protection, cabling and control.

Through precise equipment and instruments such as laser thermometers, thermal imager, power analyzer, digital flow analyzer, among others, we monitor the installations with greater reliability and precision, carrying out interventions only when necessary.

This translates into efficiency in the provision of services, security and productivity.

As a manager, you need to protect your investment. This means keeping the entire business efficient, preserved, clean and safe to work or live in, including the civil and sanitary systems you manage daily.

Hydro sanitary systems add convenience to modern life. The proper maintenance and conservation of these systems provide increased water efficiency and energy savings for your enterprise, avoiding problems of infiltration of civilian installations, clogging and the accumulation of dirt that generates odors.

Proper maintenance of civilian facilities ensures that the development and its environments remain healthy, being necessary to preserve the heritage and protect the building’s occupants.

For analysis and definition of routines, civil maintenance and hydro sanitary, in addition to the analysis of projects and on-site inspection, we use measurement equipment such as flow analyzer, laser sighting, among others. Thus, we obtain a minimum reduction of 50% of the time spent on preventive maintenance and inspections, increasing the productivity of the teams.


We carry out installations in commercial and industrial buildings.

In the development of activities in its facilities, we integrate the teams of projects, installations and maintenance. In this format, we always achieve better productivity rates, reducing the installation cost, especially when we analyze it over the 10 years of operation of the building. This is the result of the integration of the design, installation and maintenance teams.

With experience accumulated over more than two decades by its managers and directors, combined with partnerships with the main manufacturers in the market (Trane, Carrier, Johnson Controls), Quantun always seeks to balance the relationship between installation cost, type of equipment and operational cost aiming at maximum energy efficiency, using only the necessary energy.

Our technical staff is formed by engineers and technicians specialized in solar power systems able to deal with the rapid expansion and development of new technologies in the generation of photovoltaic electric energy available in the world.

This allows us to guarantee and offer you a comprehensive maintenance service for photovoltaic installations (predictive, preventive and corrective), for both small and large installations and in all types of structure and location.

In addition, we have partnerships with large companies that design and install integrated solar power systems (electric power and water heating), we perform maintenance on the panels, coolers, electrical parts, hydraulic network and pumping.

We perform installation services in high and low voltage electrical systems for industrial, building, lighting, substations, generator sets, UPS and the like, using some of the most reliable and modern equipment and instruments, such as laser thermometers, thermal imager, power analyzer, digital flow analyzer, among others.

This provides efficiency in the execution of services, security and productivity.

We execute the projects always looking for the best technologies, bringing security, cost reduction and meeting deadlines.

Our commitment to the interests of the client and the work. Monitoring of pre-established deadlines, organized and clean works.

Can we start a partnership?

Quantun always seeks the best technological solution, using only the Necessary Energy, transforming your need into an efficient solution.

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